Episode 260


Are you thinking about taking a break from drinking? 

When I took my first break from drinking in 2012, I learned how different I felt without drinking. 

In this episode, I dive into into five compelling reasons to embrace an alcohol-free lifestyle in September. 

Whether you're new to the concept of going alcohol-free or an experienced explorer, these five reasons are meant for midlife women who are ready to give themselves a break from the "after-effects" of drinking. 

From the significance of National Recovery Month to the empowerment of self-pride, you'll uncover why September offers remarkable opportunities for personal growth and transformation.


Key takeaways from this episode: 


  • September celebrates National Recovery Month and National Sober Day, which gives you a sense of comradery during your break from drinking. 

  • As summer transitions into fall, it's an opportune time to press the reset button, gaining clarity and setting a tone for the rest of the year.

  • Giving yourself a break in September sets a positive tone for navigating the upcoming holiday season with intention and balance.

  • Challenging yourself gives you a sense of self-pride you may be missing out on by drinking, which helps you build confidence in yourself and your choice not take a break. 

  • September is the ultimate month to practice self-care, self-compassion, and gain more self-esteem by taking a break to focus on your #1 priority: You!  


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  • Why September is a Great Time to Take a Break from Drinking


    [00:00:00] Lori Massicot: I am popping in today to give you some encouragement and inspiration if you are someone who is tired of drinking alcohol and feel like you could benefit from a break from drinking. I want to talk to you today about five reasons why I believe that September is an excellent time to give yourself a break from alcohol.

    [00:00:14] And the ramifications of drinking. This is the midlife edition, because that is what to 50 and Beyond is all about living our best lives in the middle, without alcohol coming along for the ride, without the need of alcohol coming along for the ride. If you are new to the podcast, hello there, my friend, I'm Lori Massicot.

    [00:00:31] I'm the midlife sobriety coach and founder of Team Alcohol-Free and online self improvement community for women who want to explore and create an alcohol free lifestyle later in life.

    [00:00:41] And if you're coming back to the podcast, you know, I appreciate you, my friend. Thank you so much for being here. Two 50 and beyond started with a deep desire inside my belly to talk about the things we don't talk about with our closest people and drinking and not drinking was at the very top of that list.

    [00:00:56] I truly wanted to shed a light on the option of going alcohol free [00:01:00] later in life. Because at 45, when I stopped drinking, I didn't know that not drinking was an option for me. I believed that everyone drinks. That is what I do. That is what I've done since 1982. And that is what I am going to do until the day that I die.

    [00:01:15] Till about two years before I stopped drinking. When I got that first hit, like, Ooh, are you going to do this till the day that you die, I don't think you're going to make it because of the stigma and the stereotype that going alcohol free or sobriety is for a certain type of person, I resisted going all in to being alcohol free, and I believe that those stereotypes and stigma of being someone who doesn't drink definitely still exists today,

    [00:01:43] but it doesn't have to hold you back from taking a break from drinking. I'm coming to you with good news today. An alcohol free lifestyle is an option for everyone. It doesn't matter what age, what race, what gender, or where you fall on the spectrum of alcohol use. You can choose not to drink, and when you [00:02:00] do, you step into that main character energy where it doesn't matter that the stigma exists, and that those stereotypes exist, and maybe you fear that There is some judgment around you.

    [00:02:11] You are actually freeing yourself from the concern and the worry of that judgment. And you are doing something for yourself that is very, very special. The really great news in 2023, right where we are, sobriety is spoke about openly on social media, in the news. And on podcasts like 250 and beyond, it is spoken about now on reality TV.

    [00:02:36] And I'm going to say this because I have been a real Housewives fan since the beginning, the OG, the OC. I am so happy that there are Housewives out there who are saying no to drinking, going alcohol free. Kyle Richards is the latest who is really talking about it. Even if you are not somebody who watches reality TV or has no idea what I'm even talking [00:03:00] about, The Real Housewives are a franchise on Bravo TV. It's okay, because what it means is that there are People that are shedding a light on this option and I am all for it.

    [00:03:12] I am here for it. I would have loved to have seen it back in 2013. It would have helped me so much. And that's why I have so much appreciation for Marshall Mathers, Eminem, because that is who I looked up to when I stopped drinking. Honestly, his music was on repeat in my ears. He was the one person that I said, if he can do it, so can I, the view of what it means to be alcohol free has and is changing in society.

    [00:03:37] And my hope. Always is that because you were here listening to this episode, the option of being alcohol free has changed or is in the process of changing for you because that is all that truly matters. You and what you want more than drinking alcohol are all that matters. Period. What matters to me is that you have a place where you can come to hear that you are not alone in the [00:04:00] challenges you face about going alcohol free, and that you have a constant reminder that you can do life without alcohol.

    [00:04:05] That is why you and I are here. That is why 250 and Beyond exists. We were not born to spend our time drinking alcohol and worrying about not drinking alcohol. There is more to life. As we roll into September, I want to give you Encouragement. I want to give you a gentle nudge to take a break from alcohol, whether it's an entire month of September, a day, a weekend or a week.

    [00:04:28] If you're listening to this in July, I want to encourage you in July, this is not just for September. You can take a break at any time. It doesn't have to be planned out. You can wake up tomorrow and go, you know what? I'm going to give myself a break because I believe what it means to take a break is you are actually giving yourself the opportunity to come up for air.

    [00:04:48] You are giving yourself a new perspective of what is really happening in life versus what is happening while you're drinking. But I want you to really search within. Friend, I want you to go to your heart [00:05:00] and soul and ask yourself, what does this mean for me? I believe that it's going to have a different meaning.

    [00:05:07] Whether you're taking a break for the first time or you're taking a break for the 20th time when you start out, then when you finish the break, and let me just say that when I first took a break, it was back in January of 2012. I started out thinking I'm going to save money. I'm going to lose weight. I had all these great expectations, right?

    [00:05:29] Coming off the holiday, I didn't feel good. I was feeling really down about myself. I was at that time starting to really get into the deep questioning of what is alcohol? What, Is this relationship with alcohol that I've created? It's not working. Spent countless hours and energy searching for answers on Google to help me.

    [00:05:51] And I really went within and said, you know what? I think that a break will help me. Yes, save a bunch of money, lose weight, all those things. [00:06:00] I went into it with that and at the end of the break, I realized I feel so much different when I don't drink. I really do. And so that was that first hit. Now I didn't stop drinking until August 11, 2013.

    [00:06:13] So like a year and a half or more later is when I really stopped. But that first break really helped me find that. different view of life. And that's what really kick started it. So that's what one of the benefits I think of taking a break is just giving yourself time to really differentiate between how you feel in reality and how you feel while you're drinking.

    [00:06:35] But ask yourself today, you know, what does this mean for me? What does taking a break mean? And see what comes up. Disclaimer here. If you're somebody who is fearful of withdrawing from alcohol, goodness, I love you so much. I'm giving you such a big hug.

    [00:06:49] I know that this fear is real. And I also know that it is very dangerous to go cold turkey with taking a break. So if you are out there, if you could talk to somebody around [00:07:00] you and ask them to get you some help. Get support somehow make a doctor's appointment to talk to your doctor, whatever you feel comfortable with and have somebody do this with you.

    [00:07:10] If you are really ready to just take some time off from drinking, and this could be again, like I said, a month a day, a weekend or a week, it's very important not to go cold turkey. again, I just love you so much.

    [00:07:23] Let me give you five reasons that I came up with why it's a great time to take a break from drinking in September.

    [00:07:29] And I'm counting from number five, Down to number one. Number five. It is National Recovery Month in September. National Recovery Month started in 1989. It is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence based treatment and recovery practice, the nation's strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who make recovery in all its forms possible.

    [00:07:57] It's Comradery. There is a [00:08:00] purpose here. There's a really great purpose here. And I believe that if you look at this as I am going to celebrate others who are in recovery and I'm going to celebrate my own curiosity and exploration of what life would mean for me and feel like for me without alcohol in the month of September.

    [00:08:16] I think it's a great reason. And also September 14th, is National Sober Day. It is the fourth year of National Sober Day, and this day is there to really highlight the awareness of sobriety. You know, there's National Tequila Days. There's National, I'm sure, Margarita Days, right? I don't pay attention to these National Days that much, but when it's National Sober Day, I do, because it exists.

    [00:08:40] I picture somebody driving along in their car, listening to the radio on the way to work, and the DJ says, Today is National Sober Day, and it's that hit. It's that first hit. Like, huh? This exists. All right. That's pretty cool. I've been thinking about taking a break from drinking.

    [00:08:57] Why not let National Recovery Month [00:09:00] and National Sober Day be one of the reasons why you take a break and you celebrate yourself and your curiosity in September. And number four, why it is a great time in September to take a break from drinking coming off of summer. I came off of summer, soggy. groggy, foggy. There was a lot of drinking going on during the summer.

    [00:09:21] And I just think going into September, we're going into fall. We're transitioning to that new season in life. And I think it's a great time to hit that reset button and get some clarity because I know when you are stuck in. The associations of summer and alcohol. It's a real thing and you're coming off of it.

    [00:09:39] You can keep sliding into the holidays or you can take that breather that you'd so so deserve maybe ring out a little bit and get some clarity around. Hey, how do I want to spend the rest of the year, which is the number 3 reason. Holiday prep.

    [00:09:54] Set the tone for the rest of the year, you do not have to wait until January 1st, 2024. If you take this break in [00:10:00] September, you can make the rest of the year a little bit more intentional, meaningful, and memorable. I mean, let's face it. I am not drinking because I want to remember my memories. You could take a break in September and learn how to maybe drink less for the rest of the year.

    [00:10:16] That could be a really great benefit for taking a break. But getting that holiday prep, because you know, you go into the stories, well, it's Halloween, all of those associations start coming in. It's Thanksgiving, it's Christmas, it's New Year's, you know, there's always going to be a reason to drink and there's always going to be a reason not to drink.

    [00:10:33] It's how you look at it. So I do believe that coming off of summer and getting prepped for the holiday are two very important reasons in midlife. And you just give yourself that breather, enjoy the fall, enjoy the pumpkin candles, enjoy the pumpkin spice. If you're into it. Number two reason why I believe that midlife women should take a break from drinking any time of the year, but let's say for September self pride.[00:11:00]

    [00:11:00] You deserve self pride. You deserve being so proud of yourself for doing something challenging.

    [00:11:04] And let's face it, taking a break from drinking is challenging? Goodness, I don't know who deserves a challenge more. Then women in the middle of life and beyond. I really don't. I think that we need that. We need that boost. We need something else. We need to see ourselves in a different reflection, in a different light.

    [00:11:22] We need to be able to look in the mirror and have that self respect back. And I believe that alcohol just continues to knock you down just one peg at a time. And it may seem like it's slowly knocking you down, Or it may seem like it's really starting to kick up and I think that's a good sign to look at, you know, I really can't look in the mirror anymore.

    [00:11:41] I don't want to. I don't talk to myself kindly. I'm not proud of myself and it's affecting everything in my life. That is one of the reasons why it's such a great time to take a break from drinking. Give yourself a month of just saying yay me I am so proud of you.

    [00:11:58] You are doing it. [00:12:00] You deserve it. You deserve the feeling that is opposite of the morning after drinking feeling 100%. And the number one reason for taking a break in September is you. You are number one. Envision you spending time On yourself for yourself in September, it's the ultimate month to practice self care and self compassion and rebuild that self respect and self esteem.

    [00:12:20] I'm going to ask you right now, friend,

    [00:12:22] what is one reason you want to take a break from drinking? That is your why. That is your why power and that Trump's willpower because it comes from your heart and soul. You don't need to overthink it. Go with it. Give it a hug. Know that, Hey, this reason is here for me. This reason is teaching me something.

    [00:12:39] It's telling me something. I want to follow it and go all into it because you are worth pulling yourself out of the mud. Thank you. If you feel like you can't do this, if you feel like you're not worthy of doing this, that's alcohol talking. Write that reason why down on a post it and stick that shit on your bathroom mirror so you see it every single day.[00:13:00]

    [00:13:00] The number one suggestion to help you take a break from drinking is to really focus on that reason why, set an intention, write it down, and walk away from it. Get connected to a fall project. Plan exercise for yourself and when a craving hits get support and have a plan find an accountability partner Or I'm gonna invite you to join my online community team alcohol free.

    [00:13:23] This is the only community out there for women later in life It's exclusive. It's intimate and it's changing how women view themselves and their drinking. I believe that if you have a plan You set it, you forget it, you say alcohol is off the table for whether it's the entire month of September, it's a weekend, a week, or it's September 14th for National Sober Day.

    [00:13:44] If you set that intention, and you give yourself time, you can make it effective. And a meaningful and a great opportunity, a chance to realize where your relationship with you in alcohol stands and what you want to do going forward. It [00:14:00] is the kickstart, and you know, several people are out there saying I've taken so many breaks in my life.

    [00:14:05] You're still here. You're trying and you're persevering. And that's awesome. That's where it started. It started with me in that first break in January, 2012. I didn't wake up on August 11th, 2013. Go. Yep. Today's the day. I just feel it now. It took me a couple of years to get to that point. And reminder, if you are out there and you feel like, you know, I really am worried about taking a break from drinking.

    [00:14:29] I've had withdrawals from it. It's scary to me. Goodness, it is scary. Get yourself help, professional help. Please, please, please. And remember these five reasons. Number five, it's National Recovery Month. It is a great time to celebrate sobriety.

    [00:14:42] National Sober Day is September 14th. It is a great time to come together. I am hosting an all day National Sober Day event in my community, Team Alcohol Free. We are meeting for breakfast, lunch, and happy hour. Number four reason coming off of summer.

    [00:14:58] Remind yourself, this is your [00:15:00] time to get some clarity come off of that association with drinking and and go into the holidays. Number three, with some prep time, maybe set a different tone for the rest of the year, Maybe take the rest of the year off from drinking.

    [00:15:12] You never know what a break will give you that chance or that possibility to really do something different.

    [00:15:19] Number two reason why it's a great time to take a break in midlife and in September is self pride. You deserve self pride. Alcohol knocks you down. Don't let it. Give yourself time to really celebrate your accomplishments and be proud of yourself. And number one reason for taking a break is you.

    [00:15:36] Everything about you. You are the number one reason, period, my friend, and I am here for you. If you want to take a break from drinking and you want to join my Team Alcohol Free, there's a wonderful 30 day challenge inside where I will walk with you, and it's called the Alcohol Free Habit Kickstart.

    [00:15:51] can gain immediate access today to essential lessons to help you prepare for your break mentally and practically. Cause I'm all about the practicality before you start. So you [00:16:00] decide to start date and I walk with you daily through short and effective lessons to help you treat each day of your break like a gift to yourself,

    [00:16:07] because that is what I believe, that going alcohol free is a gift to yourself.

    [00:16:12] Other members who have gone through the kickstart, the general consensus is I couldn't have taken a break without this group, without this challenge that I gave to myself. So, Team Alcohol Free is open. It is closing on September 4th. As I am going to be on a cruise, I am going on vacation. So, I want to close it up because I like to welcome new members when they come in.

    [00:16:32] So, I will probably open it up the week that I get back. But if you want to join for September and start that kickstart, maybe September 1st. Awesome. I'm going to be there to welcome you. Let me tell you what's coming in September to the podcast. I have some episodes that I'm going to be sprinkling out into 250 and beyond as we go forward. And I'm calling them conversations with friends or co hosts.

    [00:16:54] I have some co hosts coming on, some of my friends. And in September, I have my friends Ann [00:17:00] and Lee Wallcup. They are coming to you September 13th with an episode, Why You Deserve to Go All In on an Alcohol Free Lifestyle. You don't want to miss this interview. The wall cup twins have been on the podcast.

    [00:17:11] This is their fifth time coming on. They're all about the mindset of going alcohol free. And they have just celebrated seven years of sobriety. That's a great interview. I have an episode coming your way, September 20th, your first year sober with my friend and co host Casey Davidson.

    [00:17:28] Casey is the host of the hello someday podcast. That's a great episode. And then September 27th, I have a wonderful episode with Michelle Smith, who is the founder of Recovery is the New Black. We are talking about the importance of a daily self check in. She has a new journal that is out and you're not going to want to miss that episode as well.

    [00:17:47] And then I have another episode that I've already recorded with my co host and friend Sondra Primo. She was my very first interview on the podcast and she is coming back to talk about What happens after the first year of sobriety. And that [00:18:00] is such a great conversation. And then I will be back with a solo episode on September 6th, looking at the bright side of what women are discovering after they either taken a break from drinking or they have stopped drinking altogether.

    [00:18:13] It's such a great episode because there's so many great insights. I will see you back here in September. Take care of yourself. Thank you again for listening today. Peace.